Baby Frock Collar

This was one Fun embroidery project. It all started off with my mom deciding to stitch some frocks and a quilt for my baby-cousin who turns one next month. I was home for a week around Christmas, and since I was quite jobless then :P, I told her I’d help with stitching on the buttons/hooks. That’s when it struck me, that I could actually do some minimal hand-embroidery and brighten up the frocks.

Mom had bought some of this pretty floral print cloth and she planned to make a frock out of it-with some white cloth around the yoke. I told her to instead use the white for collars so that I could then do some floral embroidery motifs on the collar pieces. I picked some simple lazy-daizy flower design and colors that matched the print on the rest of the frock and finished it in about a day.

The result… TADA…! Nothing short of what I call a masterpiece. 😀


Close up of the Collar-

I haven’t been to Chennai in a while and so haven’t seen her yet. Hope I get to meet her very soon and get a photo of her in the frock! 🙂

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